The Teacher's Moderation Toolkit has been written by teachers for teachers. It is a resource that can be used in a variety of ways to support accurate teacher assessment of writing for years 1 to 6. It can be used to standardise and benchmark children's writing at three termly intervals, as a CPD resource to support teachers working together to make judgements and also as a classroom resource to share the expected standards of writing with children. The toolkit is made up of three books: a KS1 resource (that also includes some EYFS writing), an LKS2 resource and an UKS2 resource. Each year group has three collections of writing (autumn expectation, spring expectation and summer expectation) that include a wide range of genres. Teachers have used criteria based on the National Curriculum to form their judgements (writing non-negotiable grids) and have ensured that previous years' writing objectives have been achieved in addition to the year group being assessed. Ensuring that the teacher assessment of writing is accurate is a whole school responsibility. One of the most pivotal forms of CPD in relation to this is completing whole school moderations, phase moderations or clusters of moderations. The Teacher's Moderation Toolkit provides teachers with collections of children's writing to assess together. Staff can then go on to benchmark and standardise their own pupils' writing using this toolkit.